Saturday, August 2, 2008


We actually have 2 big announcements!

John has officially been offered a position at the company that he has been at for almost 5 months. He was taken in as a temporary position, but they believe that he is worth keeping. After 2 years of him being laid off, our family could not be happier.

Second, Kiley has her first tooth. I am unable to show you at this time because it is truly just sliver in her mouth, but when it's big enough for pictures, I will be showing that puppy off.

To celebrate our 2 great family events, we had what we call "Family fun day." We went out for lunch and then ventured on to play miniature golf. Needless to say, I did not do so well. I blame it on the fact that this was the second time in my whole life, that I have played this game.

I took some picture of our family adventure. We had a GREAT time. Jack loved it and wanted to play another game when the 18 holes were completed. He did OK for being a 3 y/o with a golf club. There were no missing eyeballs and no contusions to anyone's head when we were finished.

Here is our smiley girl. She was just happy to be able to see new scenery, I believe.

Tiger Woods in the making?




He believes that he is Phil Mickelson.

I have to admit that I am no Annika Sorenstam. This is the waterfall that I lost my ball in at the 8th hole.

Here is my ball in the water. My Phil Mickelson would not save it for me. I had to share his ball the rest of the game.

We must end this story with a picture of Lil Miss Hollywood.

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