Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Quote for the day

Me: Jack, it's quiet time. I don't want to hear another peep out of you.
Jack: Peep!

Can you believe that he continued to "peep" me all the way out of his room. Can you say smart alek? I'm in T-R-O-U-B-L-E!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What's new

Well, I have not been able to get on the computer at home long enough to post any new pictures. We take pictures everyday. Jack is obsessed with pictures. He'll sit/stand/whatever next to Kiley and say, "Take our picture, mom!" He usually does this at 7am. Now who the heck is awake enough to take a good picture at 7am. Not me! I must have coffee before picture taking.

Lil' Miss Kiley is sitting up on her own. Well, at least until her big bro knocks her over. That's his favorite thing to do. Well, next to trying to suffocate her with his favorite yellow blanket, throwing hard balls at her HEAD, basically beating her up every chance he gets and completely ignoring me when I tell him to stop doing anything. I truly feel for my lil' girl, but I know that she is my daughter and she'll remember. "Paybacks are hell, buddy!"

Jack is Jack! What more is there to say. I'm sure that you can tell by the above that he has been completely TERRIBLE this week. There are days that I feel that I am looking in the mirror. Whenever he gets in trouble, he'll yell back at me "You're bad!" then he'll stomp off to his room, slam the door and yell back at me some more. This is my entire childhood. The fact that he does this now, truly scares me.

I'll do my best to post some pics this weekend. I know that everyone loves to see my beautiful children.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm a Rock Star!


Need I say more?

Monday, July 14, 2008

First day at the beach

I realize that I am VERY late at posting this, but life is busy. I had a 2-week course that I took and that took all of my computer time up. I really don't know how I'll keep everyone updated when I go back to school full-time in October. You'll just have to wait every 5 weeks for updates because that is how long each class takes.

The Sunday of July 4th, we took the kids to Gem Beach, near Sandusky, Ohio. I can honestly say that this is the most fun in a long time.

Jack was so much fun to watch. He caught on to the water right away. He started to jump the waves and everything. He was so stinkin' cute.

He is so smart he learned the number 1 rule for going in the lake. Can you guess what it is? Well, he's our conversation on how I figured out.

Me: Jack, you haven't been to the bathroom in a while, do you need to go?
Jack: Hee hee
Me: Jack, do you have to go potty? I'll walk with you now.
Jack: Tee hee! I peed in the water, mommy.

You can never say my kid is stupid. :)

Here are some pics from our great day. Unfortnately, I am the picture taker, so there are no pics of me. I guess you'll have to talk to my husband about his lack of picture taking abilities. ;)

Jack eating a cookie that Mrs. Quinn gave him. He would eat cookies all day if he could.

My studly husband showing off something. Jack is still eating his cookie.

My Alabastar Princess

I wish those teeth would come in. She's going to gnaw her fingers off.

He's sitting in the water. Hmmm? I wonder if this is where he is peeing?

Jumping over the waves.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Our new baby!

Sorry that I have not been updating the blog the last couple weeks. I started my 2 week college course and I've been busy. If Jack would let me on the computer at home, I wouldn't have a problem, but he insists on playing the computer when I am on. Boys!

Well, if you're reading this then I am sure you are aware that Kiley was very sick this past winter. She has been diagnosed with some common airborne allergies, with one of them being our beloved dog. JD has been my family for 8 years. If it really came down to it, I would say "goodbye" to my beloved dog, but we are trying our best to keep him.

Since we are trying to keep him, we have schedule every other week grooming sessions for our happy little dog, JD. When I say happy, I hope you realize that I am truly joking. The phrase for JD in our house is "Oh, he's just a grumpy ol' dog." Jack even says that now. It's really quite cute. Today was JD's first session. I was hoping to get him shaved, but he would not have any of it. Poor Terri, the groomer, called me and said she would just be bathing, drying and cutting his nails. I don't care what she did, the dog looks FABULOUS! I don't think he has ever looked this good.

In other efforts to make our home "Kiley friendly." We have been on the look out for a good HEPA filter and vacuum. We are still looking for the filter, but we have found our vacuum. We truly did not want to spend this much money on a vacuum and we are actually embarassed that we did so, but we did. We bought the Dyson model DC17 Absolute Animal.
Believe it or not, it truly is worth the money. We used our old vacuum over the carpet really well and then went over it again the "animal." I cannot believe how much was sucked in to the canister. It makes us feel really dirty, whick we are not dirty people. It's really scary what lives in your carpets. :(

As soon as I get a chance, I will post pics from our trip to the beach yesterday. Jack had a great time.